"Greenness Index" recorder
Type: Hardware project, data acquisition
Status: In development. Presently seeking researchers who would like to borrow prototypes for field evaluation.
Description: A ground-based data recorder for NDVI. NDVI is a "greenness" index, a spectral surrogate of plant phenology. (This device is a miniaturized version of the Mantis.)
- Irradiance logging in a fist-sized package.
- Solar cells allow running indefinitely.
- Years-long data storage capacity on micro-SD card.
- Automatic worldwide time setting by GPS.
- Wireless data transfer does not compromise weather seal.
- Estimated cost will be a few hundred dollars, maximum.
- Hardware design: Complete as of summer 2012, except for minor tweaks
- Field testing, summer 2012 at stations in Alaska, Wyoming, Colorado. Electronics were all functional. Some damage by animals to mounting hardware; mounts redesigned.
- Ongoing field testing through coastal Oregon winter (2013), sufficient solar energy harvesting during short, dark days.
- Field testing summer of 2013, Alaska and Wyoming
- Unit manufacturing cost determination: In process..
- Software:
- Slated improvements:
- Bootloader, to allow field reprogramming
- Accelerometer routines for instrument leveling
- Improve time acquistion from GPS
- User-settable darkness threshold
- Wireless file server in place of Bluetooth
- Documents:
- User manual (draft)
- Memorandum of Understanding, for evaluators
- Eagle files (latest version)